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Black Russian Terrier Club of the West
We are formatting the organization in alignment with AKC rules and regulations. We will have conformation events, but we hope to be more than that to the BRT community. We are very interested in developing caring friendships with people who also love this breed.
We hope to involve dog fanciers within a day's travel of our events by offering club shows, get togethers, and play in a more easily accessible range than is usually available. Since we are setting up under AKC club rules, the way shows and events are held will be familiar.
What we want to do is concentrate on holding events and gatherings in a smaller area, so we can all reach them within a day or so of travel. We are hoping in this smaller, regional atmosphere to build friendly connections and support of each other. We cannot change breed wide decisions like the standard and such matters, but we will be our own club with our own mission statement, constitution, bylaws, board and members. Membership in the BRTCA (parent club) is not tied to membership in the BRTCWest. You do not have to be a member of one to be a member of the other. The BRTCA supports our efforts, and we look forward to supporting our regional members.
We have to start like any AKC club by holding matches, and obedience trials, and when we dot all the I's, and cross all the T's we will be a stand alone specialty club. Additionally, we can have supported entries on our own. We will hold regular meetings, send newsletters, agendas, and minutes. Transparency in everything the BRTCWest does, will be a priority. We will offer virtual & phone attendance where ever we can.
But that is not all, we want to organize events that interest our members. Whether it be speakers and presentations, bbq's, potlucks, helping to put majors together, helping members in other clubs to sponsor BRT's at their event, training, learning, referrals and on and on, we want to embrace the BRT community, and encourage involvement.
We look forward to a spirit of mentoring in a growing circle of BRT lovers. We hope you consider us.
The Board of Directors
Black Russian Terrier Club of the West